These pictures are taken from a book titled "Not a Cookbook" published on Magcloud in 2016

"This spring I had part of my colon removed and a bowel resection at the General hospital in Ottawa. While I was recuperating I used my cellphone to take pictures of the hospital meals and posted them to my facebook page. I have used those photographs along with some comments my friends made online as captions for my pictures. I know how important the three square meals I received each day were to my recovery, but at the risk of sounding ungracious, the food sure looked funny to me.  I looked forward to seeing each new meal and I took a lot of care arranging it all on the windowsill beside my bed in order to “take advantage of the light that best reveals the nature of the subject”.

and at the end of the book i placed the acknowledgements:

"I am feeling much better now. Thanks to my family Judy and Mabel, my sister Victoria, my good friend Shan, Dr Tadros my surgeon, Dr Chatterjee my colonoscopist and many other doctors, anesthesists, radiologists, nurses and orderlies.But, most of all, I wish to thank the anonymous cooks who provided me with three square meals each day and gave me something to photograph."